“Rebuilding the Foundation of Life” Study Guide


Purchase a physical copy of Restoration’s “Rebuilding the Foundation of Life” Study-Guide.


“Study after study shows you will remember things better when you write them down…Writing it down will also improve your recall of the really important information.” – Forbes.com

This is why we created the “Rebuilding the Foundation of Life” Study-Guide. To help you remember the important information you are learning! Taking your time with the Study Guide, considering the main points, meditating on the scripture passages, and being truthful in answering the questions posed will help you retain the information you are learning – and thereby creating new, healthy habits.

So, what is the Study-Guide like?? Each chapter is divided into two parts: The first part will help guide you through the class session itself. It reinforces the key ideas and provides a place for you to make notes.

The second part will guide your reflection when the session is finished. There are three parts: Your Turn – writings that provide a deeper view into the session topic; Insights from God’s Word – helpful verses you can look up on your own; and a series of Questions for you to interact with and review what God is teaching you through the session.

And as always, we will never require you to submit anything to us. This is your personal, honest journey. We don’t need to see your answers to know this stuff really works…

* One class supply packet is included with every Study-Guide purchase.





Información adicional

Peso 1 lbs
Dimensiones 11 × 8.5 × .5 in
es_MXEspañol de México